
Advanced Practice Provider Mainstay ReActiv8

Find a variety of documents and product resources for your information and easy download.


Implant and Programming Manual:

Clinical Summary:

Tunneler IFU:

MRI Guideline:

Release Tool IFU:

Symbol Glossary:

For any additional questions or information, please contact us directly at or (877) 702-8488. A paper IFU can be made available within seven days upon request free of charge.

elFUs can be accessed via any device (laptops, desktops, mobile devices) that is connected to the internet. For best results, use Adobe Reader or a browser with integrated pdf reading capabilities (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge) to view Mainstay product resources.

Revision 02122025

You just clicked on a link to go to another Mainstay Medical ("Mainstay") website that is different from your current website, which is specifically intended for your country/region.  Please note there may be important differences on Mainstay websites designed for other countries/regions, including information about product (ReActiv8) indication and use, regulatory approval, healthcare practice standards, and data protection laws, among other things.  Do you still wish to continue to the different site?