Compelling Clinical Data

ReActiv8 is the most thoroughly researched neuromodulation therapy for mechanical CLBP, globally.

Clinical Study Publications



  • Prospective, randomized, controlled multi-center study comparing the effectiveness of ReActiv8 to Optimal Medical Management (OMM) for the treatment of intractable chronic low back pain (CLBP)
  • 25 sites randomized 226 patients: At one-year 94/99 (94.9%) of the treatment arm patients and 94/104 (90.3%) of the control arm were available for assessment of outcomes
  • ReActiv8 is superior to OMM for the treatment of mechanical chronic low back pain associated with multifidus muscle dysfunction
  • Clinically and statistically significant improvements in:
    • Disability (Oswestry Disability Index)
    • Low back pain (NRS)
    • Health-related Quality of Life (EQ-5D)
  • ReActiv8 patient improvements accumulate over time, consistent with the restorative mechanism of action
  • The majority of patients treated with OMM derived no benefit or had worsening disability, pain, and health-related quality of life at 1-year
  • ReActiv8 should be considered earlier in the care continuum for mechanical CLBP

ReActiv8-B Trial – First ever randomized sham-controlled research in neuromodulation

ReActiv8-A Trial for CE Mark

Real World Evidence


  • 57% of patients experienced a substantial improvement of ≥ 50% reduction in NRS pain score
  • 51% of patients experienced a substantial improvement of ≥ 15-point reduction in ODI score
  • Excellent safety profile compared to similarly implanted devices


  • 3-year real-world data collected at 5 sites across the UK. 42 patients enrolled w/33 completing 3-year follow up.
  • No formal inclusion or exclusion criteria enforced outside the IFU and indications of the CE Mark.
  • 70% of patients reached the remitter threshold reporting mild to negligible pain (NRS ≤ 3) and 55% improved by more than 15 points on ODI.
  • 75% of patients had a substantial or profound improvement in NRS (>50%) and/or ODI (>20 point). Patients reported a mean EQ-5D approaching an age matched UK population normal value.
  • No lead migrations.
  • Response to ReActiv8 consistent with the restorative mechanism of action and published pivotal trial data.

Restorative Neurostimulation –
Literature and scientific discussions on the importance of this new therapy

Physical Testing –
How to objectively identify patients with neuromotor dysfunction


  • Observation of trunk movement is considered an important part of the clinical examination of patients with low back pain (LBP).
  • The presence of forward-bending movement aberrance is frequently seen in patients with acute/subacute, nonspecific LBP, compared to those without a history of LBP.
  • Aberrant movements indicate that some motor control or musculoskeletal impairment remains unresolved in this group.

Role of the multifidus – how recent science has identified
this muscle as critical in preventing CLBP


  • The Multifidus morphology is uniquely different from other lumbar muscles, and therefore has a special role in lumbar stability.  
  • Changes in the multifidus have been found by many studies to be related to low back pain.
  • Injury and overloading of lumbar tissues has been shown to cause multifidus inhibition. 
  • Clinical studies have demonstrated that the multifidus can be rehabilitated and low back pain decreased.


  • The spinal stabilizing system consists of three subsystems:
    • the passive spinal column subsystem, 
    • the active muscular subsystem,
    • the neural and feedback control subsystem. 
  • Injury, degeneration or disease can cause dysfunction in the spinal system, which cannot be compensated for beyond certain limits. 


  • The neutral zone is the spinal range of motion where there is little to no resistance. 
  • An increase in the size of the neutral zone is correlated with spinal degeneration and injury.
  • The bodies’ inability to maintain neutral zones within physiological limits, therefore causing mechanical dysfunction and pain, is termed “clinical instability”.  
  • Improved neurocontrol and motor function may reduce an aberrant neutral zone, decreasing clinical instability and reducing pain. 


  • Increased neutral zones as a result of injury or degeneration are shown to be correlated to pain. 
  • The spinal muscles provide significant stability to the spine.
  • Less efficient muscular control and decreased stability has been found in patients with low back pain. 
  • A compromised spinal system can be stabilized with muscle strengthening and retraining of the neuromuscular control system. 

Society Guidelines and Support

Healthcare Economics

MRI Conditionality (US FDA Clearance Only)

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